Fundraising for Hope For Paws Animals


You can help us raise money and awareness for homeless animals.

All of the funds you raise will help to provide medical care for animals in need. Create a personal fundraiser to celebrate a special occasion, such as a birthday, wedding, dinner with friends or even to honor a special family member or friend. 

Setting up your personal fundraiser is quick and easy

By creating a special fundraiser to honor a friend or to celebrate a special occasion, you’re helping us care for homeless and neglected animals. By asking your friends and family to support your campaign, you’ll help others become aware of the challenges faced by homeless animals and they’ll become involved in a cause you care so deeply about. 

Setting up your personal fundraiser is quick and easy. Once it’s set up, we’ll guide you through the process of inviting your friends and family and the donations you raise will go straight to work helping us provide medical care for animals in need.

Please suggest a few names for our next rescues and sign-up for rescue updates.