Corporate Giving

Corporate matching gifts are a type of philanthropy in which companies financially match donations that their employees make to nonprofit organizations. Some companies will double or triple your donation up to $10,000 or more ❤️

If you work at a company that matches employee donations, your gift to Hope For Paws can be doubled today!

Once you make a donation to Hope For Paws, you can determine your match eligibility to see if your employer will match your donation by using the tool below. Just search for your employer by name and if your company offers a matching gift program, you can submit a match request, which we will verify, and the company will then issue a check to Hope For Paws.



If you are a Hope For Paws member, and make a donation monthly, don't forget to claim your match at the end of the calendar year. This is a great way to double the impact of your membership and help us provide medical care to twice as many neglected and abandoned animals.

Every company has different rules, but many organizations will match contributions from donor advised funds, gifts of stock or even cryptocurrency donations. Hope For Paws is a 501 C-3 non-profit (E.I.N: 26-2869386) and our address is: 3940 Laurel Canyon Blvd #140 Studio City, CA 91604.

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