#GivingTuesday weird and funny rescue 🤪🤷‍♂️🥰 + SPECIAL OFFER

It's #GivingTuesday and today we can change many lives together with a special MATCHING CAMPAIGN I created here: https://tiltify.com/hope-for-paws/giving-tuesday-matching-campaign - every dollar you donate, will be doubled up to $25,000 $50,000 by two amazing supporters ❤️ 

Every gift will be doubled up to $50,000

With the rising cost of veterinary care and the growing number of animals that need our help, our work is twice as hard and we really need your support today - please click DONATE here and help us reach the goal: https://tiltify.com/hope-for-paws/giving-tuesday-matching-campaign 

IMPORTANT CHALLENGE for SUPER FANS with some FREE TIME - Today, YOU can take it to the NEXT LEVEL, get rewarded and receive a Hope For Paws BLANKET or a TOWEL, or a LUCKY LEASH, or ALL THREE!!! You will also gain a very important LIFE SKILL - a professional skill!

This challenge will require TIME and EFFORT, so if you're up for it, please read below the video, and if not, please skip to the beautiful picture of beautiful Bella and read more about her 🥰 

It is important to me that you understand that setting up this project will probably take 20-30 minutes!!! The idea here is for you to set up a fundraising campaign, ask your family and friends to support Hope For Paws, and the more funds you raise for the animals, the better your gift will be 🎁🎁🎁

When you click on this link: https://tiltify.com/hope-for-paws/giving-tuesday-matching-campaign - you will see TWO OPTIONS: 
Please choose the option to START FUNDRAISING, then click on CREATE AN ACCOUNT to create your own Tiltify fundraiser for Hope For Paws.  You will have to use your REAL EMAIL ADDRESS because you will have to verify your account at the end in order to publish your campaign. 

After creating the account, you will need to pick a USER NAME, write a short bio, and load a picture that your family and friends will recognize - maybe it's a picture of your smile, or maybe it's a picture of your pet pig 😊🐷

Next, you'll give your campaign a name, and write a few words about Hope For Paws. Making it personal will increase your chances of succeeding ❤️ 

➡️➡️➡️ If I didn't lose you yet, it's AMAZING!!! 😅👍 

On the next page, you will have 3 options: Live Stream, YouTube, or Image
The easiest thing is to click on YouTube and post your favorite Hope For Paws video. You can see ALL of them here: https://www.youtube.com/@hopeforpaws/videos (or you can just click on "Use cause YouTube video"). 

On the next page, you will be asked to SET UP A GOAL for your fundraiser. 

🎁 You can select any amount, but here the "FUNDRAISER PERKS" come into play!!! 🎁 
If you raise $100, I will send you a Lucky Leash. 
If you raise $250, I will send you a Hope For Paws towel. 
If you raise $500, I will send you a Hope For Paws blanket. 
If you raise $1,000, I will send you a package with ALL 3 items!!! 

You CAN'T change the goal once you started a campaign, so think about all the people you could call or email, think about all your contacts on social media who you could ask to participate in this life-saving campaign so you'll be successful in getting the perk you want. If you have 50 Facebook friends and you can convince each one to donate just $10 each, you'll reach the $500 mark and you will get our Hope For Paws blanket - it's really an amazingly soft and warm blanket!!! 

➡️➡️➡️Are you still with me??? Perfect!!! 😂😂😂 

Next step, you will need to verify your email (DON'T close the Tiltify window), just check the email in a different tab or window, and click to verify. 

Back to Tiltify, you will now have to click PUBLISH CAMPAIGN and NOW, the real work begins!!! 

You will have a link to the campaign (Make sure it says "PUBLISHED"), and then you can share it via Email, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Don't worry, the process for your family and friends is EASY - just a name, a credit card, and a donation amount. You will see your bar fill up as you're heading toward your desired PERK! Right now, NO ONE has our TOWELS or BLANKETS... you will be one of the first people in the world to have it ❤️❤️❤️ 

If at any point you closed a window by accident, just go to the main page again, use your username and password, and you'll be able to see your dashboard.

If you're stuck at any point, you can email me via this form and I'll be on the lookout for any questions as I just went through the process myself (twice!): https://www.hopeforpaws.org/contact_us/category/donations If you will find that you're REALLY GOOD at this, there are amazing employment opportunities for you out there!!! I wish I had a full-time fundraiser - it would have freed me to do so many more rescues!!! My whole life revolves around saving animals. This work uses 90% of the time I am awake (and I don't sleep much). Rescuing, veterinary appointments, working on videos, emails, phone calls, fundraising, and many more tasks to make sure this machine continues to work 24/7/365. 

Thank you so much for reading all this, and if you will actually do it, this would be AMAZING!!! 
I really hope to give away 1000 blankets, 1000 towels, and 1000 Lucky Leashes 🐶❤️😺 

Good luck!!!

Annabelle Martinez contacted me about this beautiful Bella who was abandoned just 200 yards from where I rescued Miley many years ago - I knew that spot as if I was there yesterday!

There is almost no way you don't know Miley's story, but here is the video for you:

Annabelle told me Bella was so scared and wouldn't let anyone near her. I rushed over and this turned out to be one of the cutest rescues EVER! 🥰

After this rescue, I realized I was missing two sets of plastic fencing, so I posted them on our Hope For Paws Amazon Wishlist, and our amazing supporters made sure this problem will never happen again.

Our friends at Much Love fostered Bella and just reported that she was adopted! Don't you worry, they still have many other amazing dogs for adoption here: https://www.MuchLove.org ❤️❤️❤️

If you would like to get your own Lucky Leash, please click here: https://www.HopeForPaws.org/Lucky_Leash

Thank you so much for your support! ❤️


p.s. if you're not following us on Instagram yet, here is the link for you: https://www.instagram.com/hopeforpawsrescue/

Please suggest a few names for our next rescues and sign-up for rescue updates.