Who will take care of your pets when you cannot?

It may seem difficult to imagine that anyone could love your pets as much as you do. But what will happen to your animals when you can no longer care for them?

It may seem difficult to imagine that anyone could love your pets as much as you do. But what will happen to your animals when you can no longer care for them?

Our world has changed a lot in the past few weeks and it's important to be prepared and protect the ones you love: family members - humans and animals. Doing the work we do and listening to the sad calls for help, we know it is critical to think about who you would want to care for your animals should you be unable to do so.  We recently rescued a dog from a home, after the owner had passed away. The dog had been trapped in the house for days before we got the call... she was starving, dehydrated and also sad and scared.  In this case, she was lucky that someone knew to call Hope For Paws and we found her a loving forever home.  A few months ago, the same thing happened with a person who lived on a boat and passed away.  Loreta and I worked with the police, got the cat off the boat, took him to the hospital and shortly after found him an amazing home.

These experiences led us to partner with FreeWill a few months ago, and this service will enable you to secure the future of your pets should something unexpected would happen to you. Click here to get started and create your own Free Will

FreeWill provides you with an easy way to write a legally valid will online in just 20 minutes.  I know this can be a scary thing to think about, but life is so fragile and dealing with it for 20 minutes right now will give you peace of mind.  I completed my own will about a month ago, and it was really easy.  The service is 100% FREE for everyone, so please share the link with family and friends.  Currently, the service is available only to people in the U.S.A, but the legal team at FreeWill is working hard these days on expanding it to other countries.  For now, even if you don't live in the U.S, you can still start a conversation with your family and friends so there is a plan in place.

The first step of action is to pick two friends or family members who would be willing and able to care for your pets as emergency caregivers should something happen to you. They should have keys to your home, care and feeding instructions, and the name and contact information for your veterinarian. Once you have decided on two caregivers, you will want to let your neighbors and relatives know your emergency plan. You could also carry a card with the contact information in your wallet and post the information inside your door so emergency responders would be aware that you have a plan for your pets in need of care.

I really hope you find this gift from Hope For Paws to be useful, and with many more people knowing about this, weโ€™re hoping to reduce the number of loved pets who end up in shelters with an unknown fate.

We will continue working through this because the animals need us and trust us.

Thank you so much for your support!


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