Soda Pop (feisty) Family - watch these instincts!!! 🙀

Yikes! Even I was nervous watching Katie accomplish this rescue! 🙀

This kitten season doesn't seem to end - just more and more and more kittens!

This Soda Pop Family reminded me of two dogs I rescued a few years ago with my friend Vanessa Enriquez:

I am having a hard time getting Google to update our new mailing address, so if you happen to know ANYONE at Google, I would LOVE your assistance with it! 😊😊😊

Please update your records:

Hope For Paws
3940 Laurel Canyon Blvd #140
Studio City, CA 91604

We love receiving your cards, letters, and stories about the animals that impacted your life.

If you are not a Hope For Paws member, please join us today with a small donation. We will get your donation to work right away!

Thank you!

Thank you so much for sharing our story with your family and friends. If every person could convince just ONE friend or family member to join us, we could save twice as many animals this year.

We will do the crawling in sewers, we will take the bites and scratches, and all we ask for is funds for the medical care of these animals.

Have an amazing day!


Please suggest a few names for our next rescues and sign-up for rescue updates.