German Shepherd tries to revive her baby and wouldn't let us get close 💔🌺
The story of Kailani is heartbreaking… seeing her trying to revive her puppy was so sad.
Situations like this can be quite dangerous as a protective mother can behave aggressively, and then my team knows to call me to handle the situation. Working slowly, with a cheeseburger in my hand, I was able to slowly approach her, I used the trap as a barrier to protect myself, but I still didn't feel confident to just put a leash around her.
I almost never use a catch-pole, but for everybody's safety, I made an exception. It's important to understand that my gentle snare easily bends, and then I have no way to defend myself. Having a pole that protects me from a serious bite also gives me the confidence to approach faster and come into contact with the dog so she understands that I am there to help her.
A few people noticed a little whine as I was making sure there were no other puppies. The one thing you can't see in the video is that there were two dogs inside the house who were a little anxious about our presence. We always check thoroughly so no one is left behind.
The more interesting part of this video is the documentation of the next 24 hours and Kailani's behavior as she processed the death of her puppies.
In some extreme cases, distressed mothers would eat their newborns. This happened with Bethany, but I just never shared that story… at the time I thought it would scare people away from adopting her.
Bethany knew she was not in a proper condition to raise puppies and even with medical help, it took a long time.
As you can imagine, medical care for cases like this costs a lot of money, and I hope you will join our team today as a member.

Her video is quite old, but it's still one of my favorites. She was adopted a long time ago and lives happily with her moms. ❤️❤️
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