Hermione's Rescue
Hermione stepped on a cruel coyote trap and suffered for days.
After learning about an abandoned dog who had been living on her own for a long time with her foot stuck in a coyote trap, we immediately flew to South Carolina to complete this rescue. This ended up being one of the most incredible rescues I have EVER accomplished and we were so happy to save her life after so many local organizations struggled to complete the rescue mission.
When we arrived, we immediately starting searching for the dog with help from the police but didn't have any luck finding Hermione, so the next day we asked to work alone and our luck was turned around. As you'll see, Hermione was terrified of humans, so we sent Loreta out with a cheeseburger to see if this would do the trick. With food, we could gain Hermioneโs trust by proving to her that we just want to help.
The trap was obviously causing a lot of pain for the poor pup. Unfortunately, these cruel traps are still legal for use in all but nine states, and clearly, their use can go very wrong.
Hermione's rescue was a challenge, but we could not leave her as the trap was causing too much pain. We recruited volunteers to help with the soccer net, as Hermione kept getting spooked and retreating from the cheeseburger. I want to thank our friends: Manuela Schafer for letting us know about Hermione, and to Kimberly Cockrell for organizing the troops on the ground and joining us on this rescue. Also, don't miss the beautiful pictures Loreta has posted of Hermione on her Facebook page.
Hermione's new loving family posts occasional updates about her new life and dog adventures on Facebook. Thank you to everyone who helped for this miracle to happen! This was one of our most important rescues ever because we're helping to raise awareness for two important animal causes: rescue and animal cruelty. Thank you so much for your generous donations that made it all possible.