Abandoned Husky and puppies rescued just in time! 😰👍

Imagine how Mallory's and puppies' lives would have turned out if people like you had not supported #HopeForPaws and we had not been called to rescues like this.

Mallory was rescued just hours before going into labor. Katie and Alex secured gained her trust, drove her back to Los Angeles, took her to the vet, cleaned her up, and dried her with the soft Hope For Paws towels. A few hours later, Mallory gave birth to seven cute puppies on the warm Hope For Paws blankets. 🤗

The last batch of blankets was sold out, so we ordered a new batch, and this time, we added the towels, too!!! We use these towels daily to dry the animals we bathe, and we love them!

If you will order a blanket or a towel, we will send you a Lucky Leash as a gift as a small thank you for your support! (Don't forget to select the leash size that would be perfect for your dog).

Thank you!

Thank you so much for supporting our efforts!


p.s. here is the link for Paddington's Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/xoxopaddington - funny stuff there by Loreta. 💝

Please suggest a few names for our next rescues and sign-up for rescue updates.